
Ah! petite Ah! petite

Tu peux reprendre ton cerceau

Et t’en aller tout doucement

Loin de moi et de mes tourments

Tu reviendras me voir bientôt

Tu reviendras me voir bientôt

Le jour où ça ne m’ira plus

Quand sous ta robe il n’y aura plus

Le Code pénal

Le Code civil nous en parlerons plus tard.

Pour le moment, je voudrais codifier l’incodifiable. Je voudrais mesurer vos danaides démocraties. Je voudrais m’insérer dans le vide absolu et devenir le non-dit, le non-avenu, le non-vierge par manque de lucidité. La lucidité se tient dans mon froc.

toute faim a une chose

Trop de choses à régler avant de partir.
Tu vas me manquer.
Finalement je resterai.
Pas le courage de tout liquider.

VERIDIQUE: Cet homme est atteint de Tourguenisme en phase terminale ! Et il a même pas fait "ouïe" !

Pavel Filonov and analytic painting

The artist-proletarian‘s obligation is not only to create works that answer the demands of today, but also to open the way to intellect into the distant future.

The artist-proletarian must act on the intellect of his comrade proletarians not only through what they can understand at their present stage of development.

Work on content is work on form and vice versa.

The more forcefully the form is expressed, the more forcefully the content is expressed.

Form is made by persistent line. Every line must be made.

Every atom must be made; the whole work must be made and adapted.

Think persistently and accurately over every atom of the work you are doing.

Make every atom persistently and accurately.

Introduce persistently and accurately into every atom the color you have studied — so that it enters the atom just as heat enters the body or so that it is linked organically with the form, just as in nature a flower’s cellulose is linked with its color.

Painting is the colored conclusion of drawing. (Russian Art of the Avant-Garde, 286-7). [D.K. and A.B.]

je te faxe mes pleurs

aux senteurs

de quarts d’heure
