computer christmas trEE
frEE trEE…
Trust www…
and follow its original spirit!
follow its original spirit!
its original spirit!
original spirit!
shooting star(t)
a star
is painting
on my screen
and #ff6600
is drawing also
Black and white murderers laughing together –
watercolour on paper – 29 x 51 cm
where’s the blue color?
stop watching OUTside, be IN!
Because the blue of the sky
disappeared for an unspecified duration,
we advise you a solution of replacement:
change the window by which you look at
and find blue INside INternet wINdow
LiLi’s brain invaded
by scripts & matrix
When night appears
no stars in the sky
only shining codes
which float and fly
Crèche tourgueniste
semaine de la capture d’écran –
scrEEnfrEEwEEk –
cette crèche est libre
vous pouvez la capturer
la modifier la compléter,
y ajouter votre nom ou
la publier etc…